A representation of students from IES Prado Mayor, conducted last November 20, 2015, a reforestation area called "Prado Mayor" of the Sierra Espuña Regional Park, in collaboration with the Center of Interpretation "Ricardo Codorniu".
This activity puts an end to those made during the past school year, to mark the 30th anniversary of the Institute.
From the Collado Mangueta, by the way Wells snow and connecting with the forest road that connects "Prado Mayor" with the Valle de Leyva, students, teachers, administrative staff and a representative of AMPA, went down to the area, accompanied by John Thomas, the Interpretation Centre 'Ricardo Codorniu ", which was explained during the tour, the history of the park, its flora and the importance of caring and respect nature.
After the explanations of how to perform a reforestation correctly, students planted 27 oaks in places prepared in advance by the staff of the Regional Park.
And once the activity, they were handed diplomas of gratitude about his collaboration with the conservation of the Sierra Espuña Regional Park, through reforestation of native oak seed.
Although the way back was quite hard, orographic difficulties of the area and by high temperatures, students, teachers, administrative staff and representative of AMPA, expressed their satisfaction for having participated and collaborated in the conservation of our Regional Park.
Source: IES Prado Mayor