The Department of Sports reports that on Saturday, November 21, started the "Course Assistant Basketball table", jointly organized by the Basketball Referees Committee of the Region of Murcia, the Department itself and CB Totana .
The course will be held on two weekends and is framed in a continuing education project also includes training sessions, examinations regulations, work and monitoring via web learning process.
This training activity will have new auxiliaries that facilitate and cheapen the arbitration clubs Totana, Alhama, Lorca and Aguilas, mainly.
The deadline for registration to participate in this course ends tomorrow Friday night, so if there is still some lag may enter by completing the registration form on the website of the Referees Committee and entering a fee of 30 euros Account Committee (CMAAB): ES95 3058 0295 1127 2080 2700.
The form and proof of income must send it by mail to the address:, fax: 968 283507 or in person at the C /.
Acisclo Diaz 10 1 A - 30005 (Murcia).
More information on the phone 968 28 October 20. Entry is open to those over 16 years.
With this training activity, as clarified by the mayor of Sports, Maria Isabel Molino, the Department intends to resume training courses and promote the emergence of new referees and coaches in different disciplines.
The course will be held in the Municipal Pavilion "Manolo Ibáñez" on Saturday 21 and Saturday November 28 from 10:00 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 20:00 on Saturday 21 in the Room Audiovisual Cultural Center "Jail", located in C /.
Gardens Ramos Camacho, s / n.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana