The Local Government Board has approved the basis for accession to the annual promotion of the corporate brand "Totana Origin" (TO) by expanding the productive sector of the municipality of Totana in general to promote the town gave its richness and variety and promoting this sector through its diffusion through different formats and communication tools.
The Session aims at promoting, extensible to all values ​​of this county so that all instruments are consistent and readily identifiable in general, the productive sector sake own distinct corporate image for the agricultural and livestock sector Totana differentiate their excellence and local benefits.
A brand can attach all natural and legal persons whose professional activities revolve around the productive sector in all its facets.
One of the activities planned for this year is to prepare the groundwork for the craft sector and the productive sector in general in order to adhere it to the municipal promotional campaign that the city take place in this sector.
Thus, the Consistory authorize use of the mark "Totana Origin" participating companies and provide informative and promotional material of the mark (nameplate adhered establishment).
All participants must commit to being discharged from the Business Tax, have registered offices in Totana and maintain the equipment or logo promoting the TO at the site.
These regulations will last for one year and can be renewed annually;
and the application shall be submitted on a form provided by the city of Totana before next January 30.
In addition, the JLG has approved enable the amount of one thousand euros as municipal contribution to financing the cost of the promotion of the brand "Totana Origin".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana