The Local Government Board has recently awarded the company "European Construction Engineering and Services, SL" lesser complementary contract works to improve the provision of drinking water in the San Roque and Cruz Mission amounting to 3,401 48 euros.
The Council already undertaken last May work on improving the provision in this area of ​​town in order to eliminate a very old problem and very demanded by the residents due to the proximity with deposits of El Rulo where It is supplied, and where serious problems regarding supply pressure and flow are concerned there.
This action had been provided in works that were executed at the end of the previous term improvement plan within the Municipal Water Service undertook a budget of one million euros.
With this area is supplied from another viewpoint than the current supply, through an existing pipeline or serving deposits through San Jose.
Furthermore, intended to vent the water tank of the Virgen de las Huertas, who along with the performances last summer, given definitive solution to the problem of supply to the area of ​​orchards.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana