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The Department of Infrastructure undertake a comprehensive action arrangement garden "Tierno Galvan" in the urbanization "El Parral" (28/10/2015)

The Department of Infrastructure, Services and Total Maintenance of the town plans to undertake over the coming weeks for comprehensive settlement and conditioning Garden "Tierno Galvan" located next to the public school of the same name, in the urbanization "El Parral".

This action comes in response to the demands forwarded by the San Francisco neighborhood residents at a recent meeting held at the local office of that neighborhood with members of the new municipal government.

In addition, the neighborhood association and the AMPA of the school sent a letter to the City realizing the gaps in the recreational area of ​​that park.

The performance will consist of repainting of the perimeter walls of the garden, conditioning games by serving adequacy of progressive change and when possible- of your old or damaged and comprehensive cleaning and arrangement of green spaces ..

Also under consideration it is the placement of a fencing in the playground to prevent acts of vandalism that occur in the area.

Similarly, the CEIP "Tierno Galvan" wants to occupy a space existing in the park to enable it to students as organic garden center within one of the pedagogical projects which are expected to launch by this school.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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