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The four municipal groups elevate a joint motion to mark the International Day Against Gender Violence (28/10/2015)

The four municipal groups represented in the Municipal Corporation of Totana to celebrate the International Day Against Gender Violence, as well as a manifesto on the occasion of November 25 that commemorates this day.

The Municipal Corporation will urge the State Government to hold all the personal, material and political resources for equality and prevention and legal, social and psychological care for victims of gender violence, complying with Article 19 of the Organic Law 1/2004.

Similarly, it is collected to establish a state, regional and local stable system of long-term financing, as municipalities are the closest neighbors who may need the administration.

In addition, a stable and quality care on a basis of broad accessibility, confidentiality, and anonymity protection, including rehabilitation, evaluation and monitoring, which implies direct public service management calls for equality and against violence gender.

It is also requested to contribute to the promotion of equality and against gender violence in all stages of education centers and cooperate with the school community;

as well as promoting awareness against sexism in cultural activities, organization of celebrations, security and coexistence and all activities and services under municipal jurisdiction.

Additional picks implement a comprehensive plan to prevent, protect and repair the damage to child victims;

maltratadotes that have never entitled to a widow's pension and custody of their children;

and the eradication of sexism, segregation, harassment and sexual stereotypes toas performances and services.

The joint motion contains a special intention to mujas otos multiple discrimination and collective attacked by this scourge;

require the government to formalize a State Pact of all political parties against gender violence and numerous other state claims.



On this day, November 25, Day Against Gender Violence, and make clear we want to express our total rejection especially to gender violence and for this we appeal to all men and women, the groups, organizations and public authorities, so that each in its area of ​​responsibility, we contribute to the elimination of such violence assuming the following commitments:

- Continue to fight for the reporting and elimination of all forms of violence, a society without gender discrimination and with equal rights and opportunities.

- Ensure that the gender equality policies go beyond being welfare care, so that equality bodies have a major rank in the local, regional and national levels.

- Creating new standards for children and youth entering values ​​of equality and that, from the earliest ages, coeducation real in the classroom.

- Educate children and girls from infancy to resolve conflicts through dialogue and consensus among equals.

So it may prevent gender violence in relationships of youth.

- Participate socially to eradicate social structures and attitudes that perpetuate discrimination against women in society, actively working for equality.

- Consider that people, men and women are equal in rights, decision-making capacity, opportunities to choose from.

- Reject all actions, comments that trivialize discrimination against women and to denigrate the image of women.

- Critical analysis of sexist speeches and / or violent disseminated by the media.

- Be free to decide our lives without being man and woman stop us choose what I desire, promoting the elimination of male and female stereotypes.

- Jointly share housework and self-care and people, thus gaining autonomy and enjoying the affection of those who want.

- Resolve conflicts nonviolently.

- Always show our support and solidarity to women victims of domestic violence.

We must make clear that this violence is not alien to us or far because, currently, in our town there are women with current Order of Protection and as many women have filed complaints of gender violence.

Therefore we must be aware that s priority never forget that security and survival of women victims of gender violence is closely related to the rights and property gradually reach all the women.

Therefore we invite all citizens to join few awareness-raising, prevention and reporting take place in our town, to contribute to the elimination of violence against women.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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