Motion to the full Totana Municipal Group Izquierda Unida Winning on:
Commissioning by assignment associations CAI building, built in the industrial park "The Saladar".
For several years, the industrial estate are in a finished building, designed in order to be a Center for Child Care (CAI), but right now, this construction can not be used for that purpose.
Moreover, there are real needs of groups and municipal associations such as PA.DI.SI.TO or D'Genes that require spaces where they can do their jobs.
From Izquierda Unida Earn Totana;
we believe that building, should be made available to the aforementioned groups, or any other group of township social purposes.
For these reasons, we raise When House the following proposed resolution:
Preparation for commissioning of the building.
Prior collective bargaining with public tender to award the management of the collective that fit the field of inclusion and social purposes.
Source: Ganar Totana IU / Foto: archivo