The Mayor of Totana, Juan José Canovas, regretted the gesture of "institutional disloyalty" the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructures, Francisco Barnabas, who met last week at the headquarters of the Ministry with the PP spokesman and former mayor, Isabel Maria Sanchez;
before doing it with him, as the highest municipal authority, according to local sources they reported in a statement.
The Minister will visit Totana precisely Thursday 15th, at his own request, in order to address many issues of general interest related to their areas of management that affect this town;
so "this meeting is not understood in a context of collaboration and institutional loyalty normal" when it takes this term.
The mayor said that by this mayor is expected that both the regional government and the Minister acting within the framework of "institutional loyalty" that is supposed to exist between the two administrations, avoiding "partisan political interests."
For the mayor, "this attitude of trying to bypass the mayor, maximum and legitimate representative of the residents of Totana not seem to be the most appropriate by a member of the regional government."
It also ensures that "not going to allow this bypass normal channels and official channels management and collaboration between the two institutions skip: municipality and autonomous region".
Indeed, this event occurred after the executive mayor shall furnish it to its working procedures was unable to meet with councilors (responding to a request for councilman interview Totana Infraestructuas) but with the mayors of the municipalities.
Juan Jose Canovas met with the president of the autonomous region, Pedro Antonio Sanchez, on 30 July;
and in this framework of institutional collaboration subsequently agreed to begin a round with the other directors of the regional government in order to address in greater depth, issues involving different criteria.
The councilor stressed unconvinced, as has occurred in previous legislatures, collaboration and loyal and constructive work between the two administrations, as highlighted, "few projects allow us to drive arise in the coming years to improve the quality of life of citizens of Totana ".
Finally, the mayor has taken the opportunity to "renew the offer of collaboration" of the Consistory with Barnabas and the other members of the regional government in all those projects and joint initiatives that contribute to the development of the municipality of Totana, and improving the lives of their neighbors.