Last October 1st-school classes started tennis at La Hoya, taught by the School of Tennis Kuore.
This year we started with almost twenty kids interested in the sport.
There are two groups, one for children between 4 and 7 years and another group of older aged between 8 and 11 years children.
This extra practice started last school year, teaching once a week, however, its popularity by students of La Hoya has made them this year and two days to tennis lessons are held there.
We have also improved facilities and better adapted to practical classes.
Therefore, from the tennis school Kuore the staff is very motivated and grateful to the AMPA for the interest and support shown for the sport go higher, as well as the interest shown by teachers of this school, since A few weeks ago we opened the doors to an exhibition cole all students.
Finally from the club's board to report that this year will continue to promote family tennis classes both at school as students extra level of official school student in Totana.
These are free and are intended to share a hobby to strengthen family ties and healthy sport for young and old.
Source: Escuela de Tenis Kuore