More than fifty athletes from Spain and France participating this weekend at the XXV European Archery Championships and Prehistoric propeller to be held on the premises of argárico site "La Bastida" Totana.
The event aims sport of archery and spear in its prehistoric forms, using handcrafted instruments made by specialists.
This sport was devised in the late 1980s by prehistorians dedicated to experimenting with propellers because they wanted to better understand how these objects.
In recent editions, the tournament brings together participants, archaeologists and enthusiasts who come to different legs of the same event in prehistoric settlements in Spain and other European countries, including Belgium, Germany, France, Italy and Switzerland.
Sleeve Totana, which aims to also promote the dissemination of the site of La Bastida and the local historical heritage, it is organized by the Association of Friends of the site of La Bastida (ASBA), the Society of Historiológicos and ethnographic studies (sehe) and the Department of Archaeological Sites of the City of Totana, with the support of the corporate brand "Totana Origin".
In the championship enrolled appointment of France and the regions of Cantabria, Catalonia, Valencia, Andalusia and Murcia they will.
Evidence of prehistoric archery will be on Saturday, October 3, from 16:30;
and shooting with propeller on Sunday, 4. be held at 10:00 am, qualifying itself a space for the general public to contemplate.
In addition, during this tournament, they will organize workshops and complementary activities on educational and pedagogical grinding, ceramics and conducting jurisdiction.
The awards ceremony will be on Sunday, from 13:30 pm in the Municipal Exhibition Hall "Gregorio Cebrian" Totana.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana