The PP claims that "sharing government, led by the mayor of Izquierda Unida, makes clear once again that do not want the General Plan of Totana is approved by not responding to the report of the Ministry since July 29, at which it was received. "
"In this report, the Department requested to proceed to carry information and matters specified in the General Plan approved at the plenary session last March to continue processing. However, to date not yet been started make this work, "the statement from the PP.
Given the ineffectiveness of the current government team, the PP spokesman, Isabel Maria Sanchez Ruiz, and the councilman of PP, María José Bedia, met with the General Secretary of the Ministry of Public Works and Infrastructure of the Region of Murcia, Yolanda Muñoz, to see first hand what the situation is and thus give the current government team effective solution to something that looks like they do not know how.
The Popular Party, the responsibility that this document will be approved as soon as possible, considering the importance assumed that approval for the Municipality in its socio-economic development, it has carried out thorough and comprehensive study of the requirements outlined form.
In response to this lack of interest and responsibility by the Coalition Government, the Municipal People also ask for an urgent meeting of the worktable Planning Commission the PP presented a motion to the full September to offer the people of Totana an explanation of what the position of the government team and work patterns that are intended to keep such an important document for the future of our town.
"The report makes a number of technical deficiencies that can be solved with the work of the municipal officers are those who have the best knowledge of the document, but can not act without the relevant political orders to carry out such work are collected" apostillan.
Source: PP Totana