The next 25, 26 and 27 September again roaring engines in Totana, to mark the 30th anniversary of the legendary climb to the shrine of the saint, to be held in test double meeting.
After spending this year away in testing Mountain Region of Murcia, Pedro Gonzalez could not pass unnoticed the home event, an unmissable event in which for the fifth consecutive year the local take out at the wheel of his usual Renault 5 Gt Turbo.
The activity will begin on Friday 25 González, during the official presentation of local drivers participating in the test, which will take place at 21: 00h at the fairgrounds of Totana.
Back in the day on Saturday, the administrative and technical checks will take place in the Municipal Park Ortiz Marcos, next to the Avenida Rambla de la Santa, in the heart of the city of Totana from 8:00 until 11:30 hours.
From 14:00 hours will begin the first and only sleeve workouts of the day on Saturday, giving way now to two rounds of racing, of which the fastest time will be selected, resulting as the first winner of these weekend.
Sunday September 27 at 9:00 am will begin workouts sleeve, then being followed the same pattern as in the day on Saturday.
At the end of the official ceremony sleeves awards ceremony will be celebrated in a unique setting as it is near the site of the Shrine of the Holy.
Source: Equipo Pedro Cañavate