Several representatives of COATO and AMPOAS (Mediterranean Association of Producers and Operators of Sustainable Agriculture), participated on Tuesday 15 in Seville, along with more than a hundred qualified representatives of the organic sector in Spain, in the Conference on innovation and research green businesses.
The conference was organized by ECOVALIA-the entity that certifies more than half of the area under organic farming grown in Spain in collaboration with the PTA (Technology Platform Agroecológica) and the European Technology Platform TP Organic recognized by the Commission European.
The event was presented by the President of ECOVALIA Alvaro Barrera, and inaugurated by the Directors General of Industry and Food Chain and Research and knowledge chain, from the Ministries of Agriculture and of Economy and Knowledge, respectively, of the Andalusian .
Also taking part in the conference General for Organic Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and the President of the Spanish Agroecológica Platform (PTA), the Professor of the University of Valencia, Maria Dolores Saigon.
Also participated in the conference, among others, the President of the Andalusian Institute IFAPA as well as a representative of INIA and the Director of the European Technology Platform TP Organic, Eduardo Couco.
Processing companies and ecological distribution were represented at another table by Artisans responsible Letur, Herbalist and Arteoliva Navarro.
The closing of the day was given by the Minister of Economy and Knowledge of the Government of Andalusia.
COATO President, Jose Luis Hernandez, chaired the panel discussion on "The role of agricultural organizations in innovative green businesses", with the participation of national representatives of COAG, ASAJA and the Organisation of olive oil producers OPRACOL.
Jose Luis Hernandez, in his capacity as Vice President also Agroecológica Spanish Technology Platform (PTA), defended the need for professional agricultural cooperatives and organizations make innovation agents and brokers, with 35,000 farmers and ecological producers of Spain, to identify problems and research needs in organic farming for the period 2015-2020;
transferring those research needs professionals, universities and research centers that are capable of responding and technical solutions to these problems or demands, so that research can be useful and have practical application in improving organic production.
Source: COATO