City officials have made delivery of diplomas to the participants in the course "Health Care: Care of Alzheimer", which was held at the Center for Local Development and organized the Association of Families and Women in Rural Areas (AFAMMER ).
The mayor, Juan José Canovas, and the Councillor for Economic Development and Employment Promotion, Antonio Camacho, have delivered Qualification Certificates to the 15 people who participated in this training initiative.
This training took place in collaboration with the Department of Employment of the City of Totana and the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality;
and took place from May 4 to June 2 this year, open from Monday to Thursday from 9:30 to 13:30.
The objectives of this course were, among others, provide a useful tool to increase the quality of care to the person diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.
It is also intended to train the students in the profession of nursing assistant and especially in therapeutic and specialized attention to Alzheimer's patient care, understanding the functions carried out in different areas of health.
The course "Health Care: Care of Alzheimer" was aimed at unemployed / as, preferably female, rural and they had the objective of finding employment and / or self-employment in rural areas, with priority for young women, older 45 and disabled, with minimum qualification of EGB, health FPI branch or industry experience.
The contents have been given the central nervous system CNS;
most common diseases of the human nervous system;
dementia and their types;
introduction to Alzheimer's dementia and dementia causality.
In addition, the students have delved into the basics of symptomatic and etiologic diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, treatment criteria, clinical stages, types of treatment and problems of daily life, such as incontinence, mobility and pressure ulcers, the nutrition and psychological impact of the disease in the family, as well as the caregiver and behavioral and psychological disorders Alzheimer's patient, among other content.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana / Fotos: