The Olympic Totana collaborate with the Association of Rare Diseases D'Genes and the Association of Relatives and Affected Lipodystrophies (AELIP) in the 2015-2016 season.
The new president of the Olympic Totana, Juan Miguel Nicolas Mendez, and other members of its board, visited the Multidisciplinary Center "Celia Carrion Perez de Tudela" where they held a meeting with the presidents of D'Genes, Juan Carrion, and AELIP , Naca Eulalia Perez de Tudela, and other members of both associations.
The meeting agreed to establish a partnership which would give visibility to the work carried out by these two associations to improve the quality of life for people with rare diseases.
The Olympic Totana during the 2015-2016 season will give visibility to their work AELIP D'Genes and through all its sections including the bases.
It will also work together in planning activities jointly and to allow financially assist the research that develops AELIP and maintenance of the Multidisciplinary Center "Celia Carrion Perez de Tudela".
D'Genes president thanked the sensitivity shown by the board of totanero club and stressed that this agreement is important because it will give visibility to the reality of rare diseases and develop solidarity actions to move the lines of work that develop these partnerships.
For his part, the president of AELIP thanked the solidarity of the football club and has expressed his hope that in lipodystrophy research is a priority and that is present in all actions of visibility because research is the future and hope for people living with lipodystrophy in the world.
Source: D'Genes