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JSTotana announces its mobilization "against the new attack PP to Education and Public University" (26/02/2015)

Socialist Youth Totana announce who will actively participate in events organized by educational communities of the Region of Murcia with the aim of showing "our total rejection to approval by the 3 + 2 conducted by the Government of Mariano Rajoy and with the approval regional Partido Popular as the Garre ".

A measure which, in the words of the General Secretary of JST, "is a new blow to public universities and those who need them to be eligible to university; a measure that will mean a devaluation of racing at the inability of the University Public cope with another modification of the system due to lack of resources. "

From the socialist youth organization ensure that this new university system to be set the Popular Party government seeks to "restrict access to college many young people, unable to cope with the ups that especially in Autonomous Communities like ours have experienced tuition rates. "

Therefore, Martínez Canovas announced that "Socialist Youth participate in events that are to take place this week in defense of the University and Public Education with a clear objective: stop the constant attack suffered by our educational system, tax by a government that is deaf to an educational community that cries reflection and dialogue. "

Finally, Martinez Canovas states that "The Government of Rajoy, again with its enforcement is killing equality of opportunity, so we must be the main victims of these constraints, whom we demand the government not to continue paying their excesses to the future of the youth of this region and this country. "

Source: JS Totana

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