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People Totana unemployed access training (20/02/2015)

A total of twenty unemployed people in the town of Totana have started in the local office of San Roque, two training courses to improve employability.

Specifically has started a training course Social Skills and Techniques Job search, in which 15 people participate, and a geriatric care to dependent people in which 13 people participate.

Both courses will take place between February and March 2015, with a duration of 48 hours each, and training objectives are to develop social and personal skills, tools and actively seeking employment opportunities through new technologies in order to provide the means and support necessary to promote integration in the labor market and acquire the knowledge and skills required to perform specific tasks of the profession of caregiver / a of dependents.

The courses are part of the training activities developed by the "WORK: A step towards employability" project, a project that is running in Totana since November 2007, in collaboration with the City of Totana and funded 20% by the Murciano Institute of Social Action and 80% by the European Social Fund.

Through this project is to inform and guide unemployed people on issues related to the workplace.

It is an initiative of socio-occupational nature, which is intended to facilitate the employment of those who are interested in actively participating in changing their unemployment.

These actions aim to provide the unemployed with the means to obtain and develop knowledge, skills and attitudes that facilitate personal development, employability and participation in the labor market and the opportunity to acquire skills and social skills that enable them practical tools search employment, plus personalized advice and support.

The project has the support of three professional, a social worker, an employment counselor and trainer, developing its activities in three main areas: social care, training and job prospecting with the specific goal of improving employment opportunities of the participants.

Source: El Candil

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