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Good results of AD Peña Las Nueve de Totana Open Bike Marathon (10/02/2015)

On Sunday February 8 was beginning the Open Bike Marathon Murcia.

The town commissioned to open the Open on this occasion would Mazarrón.

The morning was quite cold with temperatures around 5 degrees in the morning would rise gradually.

300 runners showed up at the starting grid, the best runners in the region and neighboring provinces.

On this occasion the organization arranged a tour that consisted of 2 laps of 26 kms.

with a positive gradient of 1400 mts.

that passed by roads, streams and forest tracks, without any technical difficulty.

Runners Association totanera had great results.

Lidia Fernández once again opened up the drawer in the third season, Antonio Martínez achieved entering the 13th, Andres Abellaneda ranked 22nd, Ismael Andreo, Julio Bermejo in 42, Michelangelo in position 50, Raul Mendez 54 and Manuel Miras in 31st place in their categories respectively.

Pastor Brice would be forced to abandon the race due to mechanical problems.

Source: A. D. Peña Las Nueve

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