Follow solidarity activities also serve to raise money to allow visibility to the reality of rare diseases and lipodystrophy.
The next January 23 will take place at Plataea Loungebar Totana performance of "Between Heaven and soil" that will offer a tribute to Mecano, an activity that will benefit the Association for Rare Diseases D'Genes and the Association of Relatives Affected and lipodystrophy (AELIP).
This concert will be on Friday, January 23 from 23:30 with free admission and during tins are placed for those who want to contribute their bit for the cause of rare diseases.
Furthermore, January 25 from 17:30 hours there will be an evening of laughter insured starring Miki Dkai.
Attendees will have the opportunity to enjoy an afternoon of fun and as collaborating with rare diseases because the entry is free but piggy banks for the voluntary contribution of those who want to collaborate with D'Genes and AELIP be arranged.
Since both associations want to thank Platea Loungebar their collaboration.
Source: D´Genes