Andrés García said that "the same as the Socialist Party has been saying for so many years, I have returned to tell citizens the mayor with the barrage of allegations".
"You can carry forward a no consensus General Plan, which hurts people and building an absolute majority that the people gave them to solve problems, not create them."
Canovas Garcia also announced that if citizens decide that he might be the next mayor will convene a referendum to ask the people who want city model, "I will make four or five simple questions that people understand and opine".
"If the majority opinion is in favor of this plan, it will respect us if we do not like. If instead people, as I believe, wants another plan, will command the municipal officers to make the changes they want the totaneros ".
In addition, García Cánovas, has advanced that "will create a Citizens Council to move the street view politicians and technicians."
"The goal is to have passed a General Plan with the political consensus and citizen within a year," he said.
Source: PSOE Totana