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An institutional welcome to the French students who have completed internships in Totana hand IES "Prado Mayor" is performed (22/12/2014)

The Mayor of Totana, Isabel Maria Sanchez, and the Councillor for Education, Josefa María Sánchez, offered an official reception in the hall of the six French students of Lycée Professionnel Jeanne D'Arc located in Vouziers, the Lycée Saint Michel located in the French city Reims and the Lycée Saint Paul located in the French city Charleville-Mezieres, who have done internships in Totana hand IES Prado Mayor.

The girls have developed their practice for three weeks in kindergartens (Clara Campoamor and Dona Pepita López) and social services Hall Day Centre for the Elderly.

During this period, the students have made their own cycle tasks: caring for people attending the professionals in charge of service (kindergarten teachers and clinicians and health in day centers).

Students have resided during their stays with local families.

In exchange, the IES Prado Mayor sends its students training courses (hairdressing, administrative, electricity) to develop exchange programs in French companies.

For IES Prado Mayor and these French centers represent an enrichment in its educational offerings, allowing students training to develop their expertise in other countries with different cultures, different languages ​​and bring them to increase their personal and professional curriculum .

Source: Ayuntamiento. Fotos: Totana.com / Video: Totana.TV

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