Murcia The Executive has approved a proposal from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Universities, granting the City of Totana 32,000 euros for drafting the exhibition project and its implementation in one of the annex to argárico site of La Bastida property.
The objective of this investment is to present the results of investigations and excavations that have been made since the discovery of the site in the nineteenth century, as well as highlighting the importance with which he told La Bastida in argárica society.
Furthermore, this investment will lay the foundation for the creation of a research center on Mediterranean prehistory and, in parallel, a museum based initiative and diffusion in the reservoir itself.
La Bastida is one of the most important archaeological sites of European prehistory.
It was inhabited some 4,000 years ago in the Bronze Age Argar, and the richness and variety of the findings in the field have attracted researchers from around the world.
Source: CARM