On Saturday 15 November the Director of the Foundation Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente, Odile Rodríguez de la Fuente and COATO President, José Luis Hernández, established the guidelines of a draft agreement establishing the Foundation awarded its trademark "With Suma naturalness "to COATO products, which have been made in their ecological or sustainable farming, located around natural areas Natura 2000 (Natural Parks, LIC, SPAs and other protection).
The meeting was held at the COATO booth at the fair of organic products Biocultura, which was held in Madrid between past Thursday 13 and Sunday 16 November.
Odile Rodríguez de la Fuente and José Luis Hernández have agreed to assess the requirements of the certification mark "With Suma Naturalness" largely aligned with the values ​​of COATO and part of their crops, practiced in several thousands hectares of ecologically sustainable agriculture in natural areas within Natura 2000;
as well as the culture and history of COATO, which is the European leader in surface organic crops.
Certification and authorization of this prestigious brand warranties of both products and brands COATO which meet certain criteria, such as especially packaged products sold in your store Bioshop.
Odile Rodríguez de la Fuente will move soon to Totana to formally sign the agreement granting COATO and products by manufacturer warranty, which aims to recognize and differentiate farming that develops in the vicinity of natural areas, which for the Foundation is a special contribution to the maintenance of biodiversity and ecological aims to collaborate to prevent genetic erosion which is the continuing loss of native plant varieties and livestock breeds, which are the fundamental support of the rich biodiversity of our country.
The Director of the Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente Foundation and President of COATO agreed on the need to compensate and give recognition and value to products grown within natural areas and their owners, who become the main agents of land stewardship and unpaid guards biodiversity of natural areas, whose main support is farming that develops within protected natural areas, both in Murcia and Spain pose around a quarter of its territory.
Source: COATO