"Our fans will not enter Sunday's game in Totana by the cost of entry: € 5.
From the red and black fans agreed not to pay more than 3 € in any displacement due to three reasons:
1. The price of the local input is usually inflated to encourage the purchase of an annual subscription, the red and black fans and have religiously bought the subscription for our club, so it deserves another try since he has done his club and invests gas money and give room to move football.
2. The red and black fans only claims a reciprocal deal, the CAP Murcia City asks for input rival 3 € and under 18 years old stay at.
Only ask to be treated as we discuss in the second leg, or have tried in the first leg, the rival fans.
3. Fans PAC Murcia City are known to generate large revenues at the box office and canteen are the goose that lays the golden eggs, precedent when paying more than 3 €, will that cost was be accepted again uploaded many times the opponent wants.
Football by and for the fans.
Source: CAP Ciudad de Murcia. Fotos: archivo Murcia.com