The plenary agreed Totana today, with votes in favor and against the PP PSOE, IU-Greens and unaffiliated mayor, weak partial final approval of the City General Plan , which opens within public exposure of a month of its publication in the BORM where you may make representations.
Corporate voted separately each of the arrangements of the mayor's proposal to approve the correction of deficiencies noted in the General Plan by partial final approval April 19, 2011, the Minister of Public Works and Planning .
So also were approved, also votes for and against PP PSOE, IU-Greens and unaffiliated mayor, the soil sectorizaciones incorporating planning agreements approved by the plenary of the Corporation.
Similarly, it was agreed with the vote for the PP and the non-PSOE, IU-Greens and the mayor is not attached, subject to public exposure within one month by an announcement in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia presenting what allegations deemed appropriate, and to refer to the various public administrations and agencies concerned, the neighboring municipalities and the Directorate General of Planning and Housing.
Similarly, it was agreed to, the votes for the PP and the non-PSOE, IU-Green and Councilwoman unaffiliated request the Segura basin report on the availability of water resources of this document remediation of Totana PGMO deficiencies, which must fall with character award final approval by the regional administration, given its mandatory nature and materially binding nature.
After the plenary proceedings today, the resulting document after its passage by the House again for approval or rejection of claims, shall be referred back to the Autonomous Region for final approval.
The General Plan and has the final approval in part since 2011 in relation to the town center except as referring to the historical center.
Substitution amendments
During the debate, the Socialist Group submitted a substitute amendment to the proposal from the mayor to leave the paper on the table and, in any case, after a referendum or referendum in which citizens contribute ideas and suggestions improved the new plan.
United Left-Greens also introduced an amendment to the proposed replacement of the Mayor in which basically kept the resolution except that referred to the sectored soils (planning agreements), "as reflected in the guidelines adopted unanimously As for developable land to avoid gated communities that operate independently from the rest of the municipality. "
IU-Greens justified his stance against, despite recognizing the "substantial" progress of the General Plan, in that "there is a determining factor as is the maintenance of planning agreements."
He explained that "we are not at the scene of a bad plan or a corrupt plan" and called for "the dynamics of not looking back on that issue."
He also explained that the approach proposed vote was not a good fit for the General Plan "is unique" and argued that you can not vote on the document in a single point and conventions elsewhere because "this is a whole and must vote for him as a whole and in one spot. "
The new document, which includes 95% of the proposals in the Planning Commission has been working since December 2011 when the guidelines were approved unanimously, land use adapted to the new economic reality of Totana.
Of the 287 square kilometers by the municipality, this includes the protection of 80,32% of the land (natural park Espuña SPAs, SCIs and landscape and agricultural values, etc.), 16.5% for developable land (more than half is industrial land), 2% for urban land and the remaining 1.3% goes to general systems (communications, infrastructure and services).
The mayor said he has been reduced more than 50% of developable land from the previous document, from 33 to 16%, in which the reservation of a large area for industrial development in the park "The Salt Marsh" is included and created pockets of industrial land on the road from Totana towards Alhama, Mazarron and Lorca.
Furthermore, with regard to soil sectorizaciones signing contracts, stressed that planning agreements represent only 1.7% of the local territory today;
and in this regard, it has been reported that of the 62 conventions document originally collected, 17 have been removed;
such that they are 45, of which 13 are outside the town of Totana.
He regretted that rather favorably approved 98.3% of the territory of the General Plan after the proposal was voted on separately, so that the agreements were not an excuse or obstacle in the general interest when planning agreements represent only 1.7% of the soil.
The document will be published from next Monday corporate website and available for viewing in the SAC and Town Planning Technicians attend every day of the week from 13:00 pm during public exposure.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Fotos: