This weekend athletes Totana Athletics Club have been very active and have participated on Saturday 08, in the mountain race YETI TRAIL, which has two modes, the YETI TRAIL 44 km long, and where have run Rufete Jose Jesus Fernandez-Munoz, who has remained in 25th place overall and Agustín Carrasco Martinez, ranked 54th overall, and is also the YETI MINI 19 km long, and this modality have run Pividal Juan Antonio Ambit since 48th overall, Ismael Martínez Rubio, since 60 overall and Juan Jose Rojo Costa, 104th overall.
And on Sunday, 09 November, is celebrated in Mojacar Half Marathon and 7 km, participating in test 7 km Ismael Martínez Rubio, being ranked 31st overall, and 10 in senior category, despite run the previous day in the demanding and tough mountain race YETI MINI TRAIL.
Source: CAT Totana