The PP Totana, after twelve years in office at City Hall, has been unable to reach a consensus with other local groups to approve the Land-use planning for their obstinacy in maintaining planning agreements signed at the time and many problems that have brought this town.
In the extraordinary plenary session on Wednesday , the PP government sought to approve the renewal of 15 such agreements.
The Socialist Group has maintained from the beginning the same position in rejecting them because they were designed for the private gain of a few (no need to remember the legal problems of previous mayors PP) and not in the general interest, some have finished in court and have caused serious damage to Totana, generating a dynamic of uncontrolled spending of nearly 20 million euros to be raised by them and never spent for the purpose for which they were intended.
The Socialist Group is convinced that you can perform the urban development of Totana ignoring them and since has maintained and maintains that support adoption of the General Plan if they are deleted.
Source: PSOE Totana. Foto: