"Given the flagrant lack of transparency of public accounts of the City, in the last regular plenary our colleague Ismael Bathrooms also tried to put a question to the mayor by reading a short letter in turn and answer session, but was also interrupted repeatedly and with apparent authoritarian gestures by the mayor, who monopolized its limiting civil liberties speech limited time available to talk Ismael ", according to reports from Totana CAN in a statement.
Since can Totana, "in line with the values ​​of democracy, honesty, and transparency are our DNA, and support partner and neighbor Ishmael" have made public the letter referred to:
"Citizen Control of debt and municipal accounting
As citizens of our town, we demand public control of the debt owed by the municipality, without deception or half truths, we want to know to the penny what to and how our tax revenues are spent.
We asked the neighbors if the debt is legitimate, for this reason it is essential to be informed in detail.
This requirement is nothing more than use logic before a serious problem such as municipal debt, since it can be illegitimate and contracted in an opaque manner.
We are tired and so many twists, the fact is simple.
WE PUT THE MONEY, WE MUST KNOW HOW IS DUE AND WHAT ARE SPENT AND SPENT THE INGRESOS.Es a very basic principle, which unfortunately is not being met, then there is hardly transparency in municipal accounting.
Why not publish accounts of this council in detail?
We are paying all our taxes;
yet we know in a clear manner how charged each member of the government, nor the management of grants to political groups or staff salaries confidence handpicked, if you are giving a clear incompatibility in any of them, nor the number and salaries of advisers appointees.
Is it logical that we are paying without knowing what our money is used?
For all previously reported, ask and demand no more accurate and complete data for all the debt that accumulates in our town and also the complete transparency of all costs arising from the different councils and municipal corporations, showing the end of one month comprehensive statement of accounts, to know how our money is spent;
ask nothing impossible.
For this, it is as simple as posting ends meet each council and municipal corporations, a document detailing the expenses therein give both staff costs and expenses.
And we have a website city of Totana, post these documents on it for any citizen to know how their money is being used. "
Source: PODEMOS Totana. Foto: Totana.com