The School Board on Wednesday welcomed Phase Local soccer Cadet program "School Sports" organized by the Sports Department of the City of Totana, in which eight teams participating framed in two groups belonging to schools "Juan de la Cierva", "Prado Mayor," "The Miracle", "Reina Sofia" and "Guadalentin".
According to sources from the Sports Council, the two best teams from each group will access the semifinals.
Also began Phase Local Multisport youngest category in School Sports, on Friday October 31, at the Municipal Sports Pavilion "Manolo Ibáñez", with the participation of thirteen teams.
They are drawn into four groups, belonging to the schools "Reina Sofia", "La Milagrosa", "Santa Eulalia", "The Cross," "The Miracle", "Regional-Deitania" and "Luis Perez Rueda".
In this case, the top team from each group will enter the semi-finals.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana