More than a thousand members and affected by the problem of the severe drought in the almond the Ministry has reviewed that have dried and will start between 20 and 25,000 hectares.
in the region have participated over the past week, in the informative assemblies COATO held with partners in six locations in the region (Fuente Alamo, Totana, Mula, Jumilla, Lorca and Caravaca), which have regional representatives participated COAG and UPA, and some mayors and municipal representatives from different political groups in the PP, PSOE, IU and even UPyD and able.
In some assemblies like Lorca, in addition to the presence of the regional president of COAG, Miguel Padilla, also attended by President of the Andalusian Council of Organic Agriculture (ECOVALIA), Paco Casero, who explained that in Andalusia is not only not was reduced to 1/4 the budget for organic farming as it has in Murcia, but has increased by 20% for the period 2015-2020, exceeding 200 million euros.
In various assemblies attention on assessing the extensive damage caused by the drought in the almond tree, the data and criteria of the reports of the Ministry of Agriculture, would exceed 200 million euros focused while as the only aid he had Four million euros for the next four years, although the Ministry informed the sector last Thursday 23, I was trying to increase that amount and they would authorize the Commission to EU funds.
President COATO, José Luis Hernández, valued at assemblies the amount of aid as charity, but add that "having a serious illness or has suffered a serious accident such as the field of almond region not you can pretend to help by offering a baby aspirin or putting a band-aid. Because this gesture can be described as a handout or as an insult to those affected. "
President also reminded that this cooperative COATO associated with a quarter of the surface of almond in the region.
In the various assemblies also reported that the support to organic agriculture almonds and other crops have reduced the period 2007-2013 to the period 2015-2020, a quarter, which could result in the disappearance of more 50% of the area of ​​organic farming in the region, which has become the leader in percentage of area under organic farming on total crop area.
A leadership that, according to Jose Luis Hernandez, was driven by the support and commitment of former President Valcárcel, while according to the President of COATO "The Counselor Cerda, if not change its activity, is making merits to become the gravedigger of organic farming of the Region. "
It was also reported in the assemblies that, despite the promises of Directors of Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture, farmers and private owners that they had crops such as almonds and other within the 25% territory of the region occupied by the Parks and Natural Areas Natura 2000 (SCI and SPA);
they would have numerous aid the budget for the period 2015-2020 for private properties located within these natural areas for this period reached a euro per hectare per year.
What COATO as President only proves that "The Minister of Agriculture and the General Director of Environment are pretending to deceive the owners of private farms in Natural Areas and expropriate indeed these farms and condition, and even ban its uses, such as development of traditional agriculture, without indemnity or compensation. "
Most of those attending the meetings signed a letter to the Regional President Alberto Garre, which informs you of the drought, and aid to organic farming and the Natura 2000 network and ask you to instruct the Director of Agriculture to amend its refusal to support with dignity and sufficient farmers and crops affected, informing him that if after one month is not substantially change this situation, will be forced to the support of the agricultural organizations and cooperatives in the region demand political responsibilities and perform all kinds of actions, not excluding mobilization.
Source: COATO