Totana City Council has delivered the awards to schools "Santiago", "Santa Eulalia" and "Tierno Galván" for their anniversary and awarded special honors to all schools in recognition of their educational and historical trajectory and contribution social criteria to coincide with the official opening of the school year 2014-2015.
All the educational community of the municipality was the star of this event held in the Sociocultural Center Jail and attended by the Mayor of Totana, María Isabel Sánchez, CEO and Training, Joaquin Buendia.
With this act, as announced by the Councillor for Education, Josefa María Sánchez, has fulfilled the plenary agreements by which the Notes of Appreciation to 75 anniversary of public schools "Santa Eulalia" and "Santiago" is granted, respectively;
and 25th anniversary of the CEIP "Tierno Galván".
Similarly, the Special Honorable Mention is awarded, as set out in Regulation Honors and Awards Hall of Totana, to schools "The Cross", "San Jose", "Guadalentin" Lebor "," Regional-Deitania "" Luis Perez Rueda "," Reina Sofía "," La Milagrosa "IES and" Juan de la Cierva "and" Prado Mayor "in recognition of his educational and historical background and social contribution to this municipality.
During his speech, the Mayor of Totana highlighted the importance and need for any educational community are all important;
both teachers, students, parents and governments themselves.
He further stressed that education is essential to ensure the prosperity of a country and the essential foundation on which a democratic society rests fundamental right.
Sánchez Ruiz thanked the teachers for their continued effort and commitment to students and their families while congratulated all the schools for official recognition, since they have contributed over the decades to make our colleges and schools what they are today.
The event ended with a performance by guitar teacher of the Municipal School of Music, Manuel García León, who delighted the audience with three musical pieces.
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Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Foto: