On Thursday October 16th at 20:00 pm is held at the Centro Sociocultural "Jail" the official launch of the School Year 2014-2015 with the institutional honor schools "Santa Eulalia", "Santiago" and " Tierno Galván ".
With this act is to comply with plenary agreements by which Titles Recognition 75 anniversary of public schools "Santa Eulalia" and "Santiago" is granted, respectively;
and 25th anniversary of the CEIP "Tierno Galván".
Similarly, be awarded during the official ceremony of the Special Honorable Mention, as set out in Regulation Honors and Awards Hall of Totana, to schools "The Cross", "San Jose", "Guadalentin" Lebor " "Regional-Deitania", "Luis Perez Rueda", "Reina Sofía", "La Milagrosa" IES and "Juan de la Cierva" and "Prado Mayor" in recognition of his educational and historical background and social contribution to this municipality.
The event will end with a performance by a chamber ensemble of the Musical Association of Totana.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana