The Department of Employment has launched two training courses, aimed at under-30s, which will be held until next October 28 at the Center for Local Development to undertake in the hospitality sector and new technologies, which include an important formative period of work experience.
The mayor, Isabel Maria Sanchez, and Councilwoman Training and Employment, María José Baeza, today officially opened the training actions that are aimed at new entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs who want to take active operational advantages offered by new technologies information to implement in business.
The first is framed within the hospitality sector, which under the name of "Entrepreneurship in Restoration: Full operational management of the restaurant," and is for young people who want to go a step further in the hospitality sector knowing the trends and new kitchen, or start up a business comprehensive of its kind.
The second action is called "Technological Development of service management processes" and is aimed at young people who want to take advantage of the operational benefits offered by new information technologies to implement them in business.
The courses, which are free, will be held from September 22 to October 14 in person at the Local Development Centre from 9:00 to 14:00;
while practical classes will be from 15 to 28 October.
The type of tele-course is delivered and comprises a total of 210 hours.
The councilman pointed out that "from the beginning of the term, training and employment are priority actions for the government team and the proof has been the development of" Local Employment Plan.
Totana 2015 ".
Baeza has indicated that this initiative aims to be an emergency plan with which the local authority is actively involved in the development of policies that will see increased employment opportunities in our town and pick up a "Youth Employment Plan" aimed not doubt, one of the groups most affected by the economic crisis in our town.
Among the 32 measures of performance which includes the "Youth Employment Plan" highlights the line of action dedicated to training, which aims to motivate young people to complete their education, understood as a prerequisite for improving their employability, increase the quality and stability of employment.
Finally, the mayor remarked, "the City's commitment to continue working on the revival of the local economy and thus the generation of employment, considering training as essential to the achievement of these objectives pillar, especially in the young population group as affected by the economic crisis. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana