"Workers should be the concern of municipal managers and the commitment must be to receive their wages and working conditions are decent. CEDETO workers may be subrogated by the council
In the motion of censure which intends to carry out the PP government team, I must state the following:
1. is muzzling freedom of personal and political expression, as a councilman-elect this council, assists me.
Doing low convoluted formulas that only try to take media effects and distracting how important is the serious responsibility of the Popular Party in Totana huge debt.
From the semantics of the verb fail, this is unnecessary because nothing reprehensible is to be free in opinion but here it is again creating uncertainty and baseless reproach.
2. condemns those who commit acts of relevance damaging to the institution or the people who are front and provided that such acts are committed with iniurandi animus (intent to slander).
3 None of that has carried out the alleged rejected, which has only been limited to voice their opinion without prejudice to the aforementioned institutions or for people who are part of them.
Simply expresses his personal and political views on the creation and retention of additional municipal or municipal entities that only contribute to increasing the runaway municipal debt and obscurantism that only brings benefits to people who in one form or another are involved in leadership positions but not the local community should be the only beneficiary
4 The "success" of these corporations, created by the city at different times and different to the current economic circumstances, I consider that are deprecated and only help fatten obscure interests and municipal debt.
We can talk for example of the former society Properties of the Santa was a complete economic failure and forced the council to dissolve and take charge of your debt without today's citizens Totana know that this debt and that the end preceded its formation.
Perhaps the anti-corruption prosecutors get clarification.
We also have CEDETO municipal company that also drags a negative balance or economic losses and, although it has a laudable social purpose, its function may be assumed by the City directly, especially in regard to human values ​​that constitute their workers.
Sooner or later you will end up liquidated and the council taking over the debts, to the detriment of the general interest, although, of course, bound to be subrogated to their workers.
Finally, referring to PROINVITOSA and structure behaves, I reiterate my view that only benefits those who compose it.
Take for example the salary of the chief justice and the hierarchical structure created.
The purpose of this entity, necessary or helpful at the time, could have taken the Department of Industry to be highly trained for this municipal officials.
Do not forget that this company and its modus operandi was prosecuted in operation Totem unfortunate and not forgetting the sector in which it operates that is often prone to corruption.
Equal to direct management transparency, that's my opinion.
5 As is public knowledge, the anticorruption prosecutor has cases open for complaints in which these companies would be investigated and ultimately the prosecution itself the need to clarify and reprove those actions carried out to the detriment of the institution or the margins of legality.
And not expressed and the staff of this municipal representative.
6 Not only I stay in my opinion, but I remain the same, reaffirming my statement and purpose of proposed disapproval.
7 Failing deserves the current government and those who have preceded him in the PP for reasons that are public domain, but deserves special condemnation that the current mayor of three alleged serious crimes (embezzlement, breach of trust and fraud), being imputed heads a motion against this opposition councilor has caused no harm to the institution.
The consistent but would not reproach the resignation of the mayor who, with his tenure at the helm of the institution itself that generates discredit the council and would be much more deserving of public I reprobation.
Not forgetting that the same mayor participated in the previous municipal government whose owner is awaiting trial on another assignment.
This really deserves public censure, extends to the last three municipal corporations and what may "still remains to be seen."
Clearly, the current government has no moral credibility to promote any initiatives like this, and it was his fault this judicialized municipal life.
Enough to distract and silence who condemned its excesses or dare to say.
I reiterate that, in the prosecution of the municipal authority, my utmost respect for the next delivery of such tribunals.
No need to feel embarrassed or consider apologizing for exposing corruption and cronyism year groups, that the opposition should not be overlooked and that we contemplate with self-criticism.
In my favor, I have to download manifest, that despite the low effective power as a single councilor, I have had the support of many social sectors to transmit denounced the illegalities and not succumb to the contempt of others.
Despite being the target of the popular party, I will stay my activity.
Not request any action on my behalf by the party to which I belong, only one I would apologize for showing my dissent against other municipal group mates.
Neither of the other party of the Opposition.
Just ask "Consistency" and that everything else would make the game the PP that this smokescreen pretend to imply that citizens are all equal here.
Yes well are allowed certain dialectical "skirmishes" to the gallery, unauthorized almost "obscene" frontal complaint of reprobation is nothing compared to the economic outrages to which has led to this council.
Consent that is leaving mismanagement in absolute impunity and give rise to the belief that there backroom back to citizens.
It should be clear that the reprimands were for those who made it and judicializaron merit for this town.
Manage a municipality does not file motions that create blinding smoke to neighbors or to cover the excesses of recent years who has time to put an end because that would be another example of proven inefficiency and political despotism.
Not wait for the courts are those tidy and light but common sense and respect for the work and the freedom of expression of a councilor. "
Source: Belen Muñiz, concejal socialista. Foto: archivo