The Mayor of Totana, María Isabel Sánchez, has set job creation, improved infrastructure of basic services and aid to the needy as the priorities for the new political year 2014/15, ending with the present legislature.
This was stated today the councilor during the press conference in which he realized the objectives of the City of Totana for the next eight months, in which he appeared with the municipal government spokesman, José David Amoros, who also made balance of the last three years of management and future claims.
Sanchez noted that the main actions of the municipal government will aim at creating jobs boosting new sources of employment and working with the productive sectors that generate wealth in Totana, supported by the Local Plan for Employment 2015.
In this regard, he referred to the approval document of the General Urban Plan, the implementation of the Business Incubator, to defend the interests of the farming sector and cross-promotion of the tourism industry, which highlighted the implementation of new investors in industrial areas and expanding existing businesses.
He also announced a plan for improvement works in the service of water supply and sanitation in different areas of the municipality amounting to around one million euros during the next semester, and a new comprehensive program of asphalt patching and packaging of rural roads.
In addition, the mayor has said that the City will financially support initiatives that develop socio entities solidarity actions with the neediest and most vulnerable sectors of the population in this county.
It reiterated that they will not raise taxes for the remainder of term and will continue "working hand in hand in the productive sectors and social and neighborhood fabric Totana, visiting neighborhoods and districts and developing a policy of closeness to the citizens. "
The mayor stressed that in the last year in office "will work with more enthusiasm than the first day, more commitment than when we started the legislature and more strength and energy at first to end the biggest commitments we made with neighbors to top the mandate. "
The councilor has insisted that municipal management has prevailed over the interest of any individual and that will continue based on the pillars of "austerity and transparency";
and he said "have the satisfaction of accomplishment for providing public services and settle the debt with the groups and companies reducing the deficit, debt and current spending without raising taxes."
Sanchez acknowledged that although it was not a legislature to implement large infrastructure itself have undertaken important work required (schools La Cruz, multipurpose center and classrooms Paretón Regional College) and others that are still to be finalized as the roundabout at the Kabuki or center Versatile neighborhood of San Jose.
He encouraged local groups to work for the next eight months "together for the interest of the people of Totana" and held out his hand to be understood in matters that really concern citizens.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Video: Totana.TV