Local police, in coordination with the General Directorate of Traffic, is ongoing since last Monday 8 September until Sunday 14, the special campaign on seat belt and child restraints.
The DGT aware of traffic in town is the first scenario where the driver starts the acquisition of habits and customs, and in this case, failure is significantly higher than in urban roads vital to consider the participation of Local Police in this campaign.
The use of approved restraint systems, seatbelt and SRI, has been demonstrated as the most simple, efficient and effective in all types of roads and routes traffic system.
Although increased use of seat belts, there are still serious gaps.
This is hardly understandable if we consider the relationship between ease of use and efficiency, as it reduces by half the risk of death in an accident.
In 2013 22% of deceased users of cars and vans on interurban roads were not using a seat belt and in urban areas this percentage rises to 28%.
Regarding serious injuries on interurban roads not using seat belts 10% on urban roads and 28%.
One of the objectives of the Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020 is "to ensure that no child loses his life because it was not properly seated in a chair suitable for their weight and height
The consistent application of the law on seat belts by the traffic police is one of the most effective methods to increase and maintain a high rate of seat belt use among occupants of vehicles
Therefore, we strongly encourage the participation of your local police so I ask for help to strengthen the impact of the campaign, and if so, I ask:
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana