"The theoretical Remaining Positive Cash Budget 2013, which should be used to pay down debt or invest in job creation, the PP uses it to plug holes in works that generate expenses extrajudicial phase"
"The Popular Party that governs the city of Totana, again shows his no capacity for financial management and control works when generated off-budget expenditures of over one million euros on 6 municipal works, some completely abandoned for years. The last regular plenary and absolute majority, the PP decided to employ the assumption million euros Remnant Liquid Positive Cash generated in 2013 to pay bills already incurred and committed by way of Settlement Credit Recognition ", according to reports from IU Green said in a statement.
United Left Greens criticized Parliament that "the supposed budget savings from 2013 have to be used to cover" black holes "in the management, planning and execution of works, whose budget items have been overcome bills and committed hundreds of thousands of euros without appropriation. "
"Given the experience in the camouflage of municipal accounts, we have serious doubts that the government team was able to get a Remnant Liquid Positive Cash in 2013 But much more than that year, they have passed bills in works not entered in budgets well above the net savings of course ... "said the spokesman IU-Greens in the city, Juan Jose Canovas.
"Gaps in works: At the Center for Children (years abandoned work in the industrial area), 250,795.53 euros Paretón Multipurpose Room (works abandoned for months) 12,409.46 euros, sport center court in Barrio San José ( Abandoned) to 261,216.69 euros, works in the Rotunda of the Kabuki (years paralyzed by the negligence of the PP in 340,000 euros or works Cemetery Toilets in the CEIP Deitania or wiring Salt Marsh, together exceed one million euros, efficient management have been made, should be used to repay debt (Totana's Town is the most indebted in the region and one of the most financial burden Spain) or invest in job creation, as proposed by the United Left. "adds the statement.
"Once again, the PP demonstrated in Totana which can worsen the plight to themselves in 11 years of government led the municipality and the municipality.
In September, surely they will resubmit millionaires unscheduled expenses budget to deal out of court ... ", concludes Canovas.
Source: IU-verdes Totana