The secretary general of the PSOE in Totana, Andrés García Cánovas, was accompanying yesterday morning farmers Totana concentration held at the door of the Ministry.
The ceremony was also attended two Regional Representatives such as Navarro and Jesus Manuel Soler.
The concentration that was convened by the three agricultural unions, COAG, UPA and BDA, in addition to the cooperative federations FECOAM, FECAMUR and AEOFRUSE sector, was a success as usual that the sector is manifested, quiet, peaceful and fulfilling the times but firm and demanding time, warning that if no response within two months again Murcia or Madrid or where needed, because the situation is even more serious.
According to García Cánovas, the only discordant note of concentration put himself Counselor of Agriculture (the same as the PDO Grape Dominga was loaded) not appeared for counseling, we understand that you are concerned about your personal situation but devote half hour to representatives of people who are in a state of total ruin and hear their claims did not cost much.
Sure that farmers have taken note and will not be deceived again by the PP and not blind them rag WATER FOR ALL.
Andrés García Cánovas finished showing on behalf of the PSOE in Totana and his own, all the support to farmers, especially those in rainfed are that now they are going worse, almond, cereal, olives, grapes , livestock, beekeeping, and all who are suffering the effects of the drought, most of the past 150 years and is starting to threaten and to irrigated areas.
Source: PSOE Totana