"The conflict between the local Police team Totana and Popular Party government increases after deception and manipulation by the Mayor of the town, having reached a verbal agreement between the Security Council Member and union representatives now imposes no conditions agreed in this period.
Accumulated during these months lies, broken promises, and labor intrusion of the first Mayor of Totana have frayed tempers over a staff of Police, determined to find a solution to the labor dispute, only to find a lack of respect and seriousness by part of the government team.
But far from increasing conflict with the demonstration for Holy Wednesday, members of the Police Force, given the disruptions that could be caused as a result of the humiliating attitude of the rulers totaneros have decided desconvocarla normally elapses for an event so important to the town of Totana.
This decision was taken, in addition to the damage that this concentration may cause, through the good offices of the Superior Illustrious Cabildo Processions who has understood the claim of the police and showed them the negative impact that such an act could result in celebration of the procession.
Union representatives want to make clear that the position of the first Mayor of Totana has been hypocrisy, disrespect and deception, impropriety of his office.
For all this, incompetence and demonstrated ability of Security council, and the disinterest of the Lady Mayoress, which are capable of lying to his subordinates, asking for the resignation of both policy makers as unsustainable situation in which they find themselves.
Thank the Illustrious Cabildo Processions Superior support in such a situation, and respect Totana Easter so important to the citizens of this county. "
Source: CC.OO UGT CSIF / Foto: archivo Totana.com