Band of Bugles and Drums of The Veronica
In the early twentieth century we know that the image of the Veronica in the processions accompanied by the Municipal Band of Totana.
Subsequently, other groups occupied the place, including the Red Cross.
In 1990 the Brotherhood instruments bought this institution and processions began as a band of "Brotherhood of Veronica ', following an initiative from several years ago that had taken deep root among Brotherhood members.
In the same year the costumes of the band of bugles and drums, consisting of trousers and black beret, belt, harness and white laces, embroidery and finery carried the emblem of the Brotherhood was defined.
Also premiered flag, composed on the front by the three faces of Lord painted on white and on the back, on purple background, the logo of the band.
In March a new banner for the band blessed 1997.
This being replaced by the current, blessed in 2009.
In recent years the band has evolved significativemente.
In 2008 an amendment was made all the instruments, playing now classics in Do-Reb, under the guidance of a teacher.
The band wears uniform jacket and cap cross white plate.
The number of components varies between 40-50.
Since the founding of the band, its director has been, and is, Ismael D. Tudela Tudela
Source: / Hdad. de la Verónica