A total of 16,258 users accessed during 2013 to the various services offered in the library in the Socio-Cultural Center "Jail" from Totana and 10,719 loans were made, of which 9,261 books, 1,458 DVD's, sources of the Department of Popular Culture.
Users who have accessed the library to use the computer facilities was 1,816.
This is a free service to registered users in the library.
Furthermore, it has a total of 10 computers, one of them disabled-because, during 2013 the service with six new computers under a grant from the "Tic-Tac" project expanded.
Today, libraries have a total of 4,854 registered users with ID, of which 4,135 belong to the cultural center of "Jail", 603 to the reading room "and José María Munuera Abbey" and 116 in the room The reading-Cantareros Paretón.
During 2013, 589 new samples were added to the library of "Jail", of which 525 were donated and 64 were purchased, as well as 161 copies of magazines and 6 new DVD's.
The library also has an interlibrary loan service, so that is done in two ways: books to other libraries have them and those who are lacking in public Totana and copies are provided to other libraries upon request.
With this service you try to cover users who need a book and libraries that lack certain copies, avoiding the purchase of certain books that are considered of little consultation or loans.
In 2013, 14 books were requested from other libraries and borrowed 11.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana