The regular plenary session of February, which will be held on Thursday, January 27 at 16:00, discuss a dozen proposals among which the application to the Directorate General of Industry, Energy and Mines of the Region of Murcia installation in the industrial area "The Salt Marsh" of a station Vehicle Inspection (ITV).
Moreover, among the dozen proposals, proposals for the Mayor to plenary on resolution of allegations to the general budget of 2014 will be discussed, the startup file and appointment of instructor and secretary will confer the title of special recognition at age 25 Association activity to Our Lady "Salus Infirmorum" Totana, and support the adoption of the proposed action in the field of rare diseases on World Day rare diseases.
On the other hand, will be raised in Parliament the proposal of the three local groups on the occasion of the commemoration of International Women's Day.
The Municipal People ask the Government amending the financing system established affecting the Region of Murcia and / or establish some sort of compensation for this year, the proposal that the Government of Spain continues allocating budget items in infrastructure that allows rail corridor connecting the Mediterranean with the network of the rest of Europe, and the motion on supporting food banks and maintaining the European food aid program for the needy.
A motion that will carry out a municipal plan nutrition assistance to children;; On the other hand, the proposed Municipal United Left Group on the development of a comprehensive plan to improve playgrounds in the municipality presented the reform Organic Law 6/85 of the Judiciary which eliminates the principle of universal justice in our country and the beginning of the process to formalize the conflict in defense of local autonomy from the Constitutional Court.
On energy truce; addition, the proposals of the Municipal Socialist Group of the deaths on the border of Ceuta will rise and request a hearing with the Councillor for Public Safety to explain the relationship with the local police and serious incidents of end of last year and early this.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana