The Muse and Don Carnal, represented by Rosi Valero and David Montes, today visited the Multipurpose Complex for Persons with Disabilities "Princess Letizia" in order to bring them closer to users Carnival Party in this town, among which were also the occupational center "José Moya Trilla".
The event was also attended by the Mayor, María Isabel Sánchez, and the Councillor for Social Care, Josefa María Sánchez, respectively.
The protagonists have approached this event with both municipal services so that users know first hand the experiences of both.
Both The Muse and Don Carnal have responded to questions from the students, have danced carnival songs and explained some of the developments that will occur on the 30th anniversary of Carnival parades in Totana and surprises they have planned for the parade Adult, which will be held on March 1.
Students have also been delivered to The Muse and Don Carnal few gifts they have made in the workshop of fine arts and crafts and have played one chirigota prepared themselves.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana