2 Players Under 21 (Youth) and 3 members of the School of Totana Rugby Under-18 (Cadets), form part of the Murcianas Teams of these categories.
Throughout these months, the Rugby Federation of Murcia has been conducting various concentrations to choose players that will be part of the Rugby Teams Murcianas the Under-21 and Under-18 categories will face Almeria teams as final preparation for participation in the B National Championship Regional Teams in Tudela (Navarra) on 1 and 2 March.
The matches will take place on Saturday 22 February afternoon in the city of Almeria.
Cadets begin from 17.00 and 18.30 Youth.
The invited players are:
In Sub-Category 21 (Youth), Álvaro Pérez Merlos and Gabino Martinez Canovas.
In Category U18 (Cadet), Adrián Martínez Gallardo, José Manuel Canovas Belchí Canovas and José Daniel Morales.
This shows the great work you are doing for the sport is a reference to the local and regional level from Rugby School of Totana.
Also from the Rugby Club Totana we recall that Rugby School is open to all children from 5 to 17 years and times are: Monday and Thursday from 19.00 to 20.30 in the Sports City December 6.
One way to contact the CR Totana is sending an email to the address rugbytotana@gmail.com.
Source: CR Totana