The Highways Agency has today started work on cleaning gutters and clearing of road verges in C-7, C-8, RM-502 and D-22 in the town of Totana, which communicate with the village councils of La Huerta and Viñas-Carivete, The Paretón and The Raiguero respectively.
This action is undertaken after the request that made the mayor of Totana, María Isabel Sánchez, the director general of Roads, Jose Antonio Guijarro, in its last meeting last week after the formal request made the headman of both councils in pedáneos last meeting.
Technicians of the Autonomous Region have begun the work of clearing the roads in the vicinity of the village, with manual and mechanical means, including cleaning gutters and verges and cutting edge shrubs that invade the tracks.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana