The Department of Employment Council of Totana, under the 2015 Employment Plan to be presented in a few days longer with the making of an offer of more than ten training courses will be developed during 2014.
Thanks to the collaboration agreements with the Regional Employment Service, the Organization of Women Entrepreneurs of the Region of Murcia, AJE, BDA and others will offer a wide range of training activities that are aimed at entrepreneurs, farmers and unemployed.
Specifically, as of March, will be held courses Advanced Social Media for SMEs and professionals; advanced use of Internet; My project in my city and the world: resources of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia; Generating behaviors in a business model, food handler: hortofructícuola sector food handler, basic management skills, labor coaching, facilitation skills of the entrepreneur in a business model, create blog, wordpress, Local Tourism Promotion and information visitor; development workshop Entrepreneurial Culture, and microcomputer systems.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana