The company "Eggs Immaculate" held last Saturday activity "You draw, we donate", with which it allowed to make a large donation of eggs to Caritas, so that for each ballot received totanera company donated four eggs to the organization NGO.
Throughout the morning, dozens of families spent by the exhibitor installed by the company to draw solidarity and allow egg donation to Caritas, which was organized on the occasion of Christmas and Epiphany program.
"Eggs Immaculate" and held a few weeks ago a charitable initiative simiar to mark the International Day of Egg, which was intended to exalt the properties of this food, which was held in the Plaza Santo Domingo de Murcia and allowed to donate thousands of eggs Cool to "Jesus Forsaken".
To this end, repeating the experience of last year, distributed on the morning of Saturday to 10,000 units of this product through a themed display.
For every egg they gave on the street donated to other social dining.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana