"The mayor has lied to Valcárcel and media, as told to the municipal work to adapt the General Plan guidelines agreed by local groups and business organizations, and approved unanimously by the full December 2011 ", report from the PSOE in a statement.
"Just the PSOE and the Confederation of Employers of the Lower Guadalentin, left the bench to ensure that municipal technicians were working under those guidelines," the statement added.
"In that document made it clear that we had to remove the vast majority of the General Plan planning agreements, however, the working draft that gave us a few months ago are still there, and what the mayor told us there is no intention removing them "socialists denounce totaneros.
According to the PSOE, "is contradictory that the mayor will ask Valcárcel to mediate with the Ministry of Agriculture and the CHS to convert dry land into irrigated land, when in the General Plan document most of this soil is classified as developable and is planned to develop several planning agreements ".
"To be credible to the Ministry and the CHS, the first thing to do is remove all the conventions referred to on this ground."
"There seems to Valcárcel has acquired no firm commitment, beyond the good words, to solve these problems."
"Nor is committed to setting a date for the opening of the new Health Centre Olympic quarter-Pears. Says the mayor is scheduled to open in 2014, but without fixing a date, or so it seems budget."
"The rest of the PSOE recommended topics to be discussed at the meeting, nor word. Nada Totana Western variant, nothing under the county road from Las Viñas-Carivete and no agricultural insurance," they add.
"In conclusion, the Mayor returns from his visit to Murcia with empty hands", apostillan.
Source: PSOE Totana. Foto: archivo