The plenary address, at the regular meeting for the month of October, the proposal of the three municipal groups Manifesto approval to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which was held on November 25 , 2013.
The agenda also includes the motion of the Department of Agriculture to ask the Ministry to conduct technical reports to enable the Ministry to apply reduction in personal income tax modules 2014 of table grapes by climatic circumstances
Also included are the motions of the Municipal People to express the Government of the Nation Council of Totana support in defense of constitutional order and the unity of Spain, and to ask the regional government to remove barriers to the constitution travel agencies and companies organizing events and the like and the sector is liberalized.
Similarly, will discuss proposals Municipal Socialist Group to require proper maintenance of ditches, culverts on the N-340 as it passes through Totana and another to exempt from property tax Petanque Club Santa Eulalia .
Also address the motion of the United Left-Greens on the rejection of the Corporation to tax health copayment with cancer and serious diseases as well as requiring depathologization transsexuality and commitment in the fight for their rights.
Finally, it will be the IU-Greens motion for the city of Totana expresses its rejection of the draft law on pension reform proposed by the government.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Foto: archivo