Totana City Council honored the social work yesterday Parents Association of Mentally Handicapped of Totana (PADISITO) has been doing in this town on the occasion of its twentieth anniversary, held in the course of a meal-gala held at the Restaurant "Sale The Rat".
It was attended by municipal representatives and the president of the Special Commission on Disability Regional Assembly, Violante Thomas, who presented the awards also honor several members of the organization.
In addition, the magazine was presented commemorating this anniversary, with the collaboration of FEAPS and the city of Totana, which includes articles and photographs about the history and the work that has been done in these two decades, this organization has been working with the group of intellectually disabled.
The Social Care Councillor, Josefa Maria Sanchez, said the Consistory will continue to work, as they have done all corporations with this partnership for the benefit of its social and requested the participation of all those interested in collaborating and supporting this cause.
Currently, PADISITO has 25 family members with mental disabilities and more than a hundred patron members.
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Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana